2 Bacteria from the Bacillus genus are not the most widely used and researched “probiotics” in the world, that award goes to the Lactobacillus genus ( Bifidobacterium is a close second.) 3 Megaspore also specifically states that Bacillus clausii is the most widely used “probiotic” drug in the world. Bacillus is not a species of bacteria but a genus. MegaSpore makes a claim that the Bacillus species used in their supplement are the most widely researched and used in the world.
To be honest, if you give me any product – even those that I recommend – I can find something untrue or at least “bending” the truth when it comes to claims made about the product. The same is true for MegaSpore. The probiotic supplement with all this and more is known as MegaSporeBiotic! Include a strain that is the most widely used in the world.
Sounds great right?Ī probiotic supplement that, in addition, claims to: 1 What about a new probiotic that produces antioxidants once it propagates in your intestinal tract.